N. S. Probatowa & A. P. Sokolowskaja

Tchisla Khromosom Sosudistykh Rastenii c Dalnjewo Wostoka SSSR

[Chromosome Numbers of the Vascular Plants from the Far East of the USSR]

Botanitcheskij Zhurnal 71 (11) 1986 pp. 1572-1574

[translated in extracts from the Russian by Dr. C. Burkhardt, Kolkwitz, Germany]




Paeonia oreogeton S. Moore (P. vernalis Mandl), 2n = 10. Primorskij Kraj, in the near of the town Wladiwostok, Kilometer 19, A. Sokolowskaja, 1962, No. 145, LESW2

2[This location has been priviously been treated as P. obovata (Sokolowskaja 1966).]


[the other plants are not peonies!, the transl.]